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  • Book

  • Authors: Real Python (2015)

  • This book is targeted at beginners who either know a little programming but not the Python language and ecosystem or are starting fresh with no programming experience whatsoever. Python Is a Full-Spectrum Language When learning a new programming language, you don’t yet have the experience to judge how well it will serve you in the long run. Real Python’s Python Basics book, fully updated for Python 3.9! In this book, you’ll learn real-world Python programming techniques, illustrated with useful and interesting examples.

  • Book

  • Authors: Reto Meier (2012)

  • Chapters 1 and 2 introduce mobile development and contain instructions to get you started in Android. Beyond that, there’s no requirement to read the chapters in order, although a good understanding of the core components described in Chapters 3–9 is important before you venture into the remaining chapters. Chapters 10 and 11 cover important details on how to create an application that provides a rich and consistent user experience, while Chapters 12–19 cover a variety of optional and advanced functionality and can be read in whatever order interest or need dictates.