Thông tin tài liệu

Title: Generation of bound solitons in actively phase modulation
Authors: Nguyen, Duc Nhan
L.N. Binh
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: Elsevier
Series/Report no.: Optics Communications;281; (2008); pp. 2012–2022
Abstract: Abstract Bound solitons generated in actively mode-locked lasers enable new forms of pulse pairs and multiple pairs or groups of solitons in optical transmission or logics. In this paper, we present the generation of stable bound states of multiple solitons in an active mode-locked fiber laser using continuous phase modulation for wideband phase matching. Not only that dual-soliton bound states but also the triple- and quadruple-soliton pulses can be established. Simulation of the generated solitons are demonstrated. We have also prove by simulation that experimental relative phase difference and chirping caused by phase modulation of LiNbO3 modulator in the fiber loop significantly influences the interaction between the solitons and hence their stability as they circulate in the anomalous path-averaged dispersion fiber loop.
Appears in Collections:BÀI ĐĂNG TẠP CHÍ




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