Thông tin tài liệu

Nhan đề : Generation of high order multi-bound solitons and propagation in optical fibers
Tác giả: Nguyen, Duc Nhan
Le, Nguyen Binh
Năm xuất bản : 2009
Nhà xuất bản : Elsevier
Số tùng thư/báo cáo: Optics Communications;282, (2009), pp. 2394–2406
Tóm tắt : We demonstrate experimental generation of multi-bound solitons of up to sextuple in an active FM Received 16 October 2008 mode-locked fiber ring laser operating under power saturation in the locking state. The ring laser consists Received in revised form 27 February 2009 of two booster optical amplifiers operating in saturation regime, an electro-optic phase modulator driven Accepted 27 February 2009 by a sinusoidal electrical wave and a length of dispersive fiber. The periodic phase modulation generates phase chirp of the generated lightwaves in the ring laser. The chirped phase state plays an important role in the phase matching condition for mode-locking as well as the stabilization and the determination of Keywords: the bound states of multi-solitons. The formation of such high order multi-bound solitons is explained Fiber lasers Solitons based on the chirping of the phase and the behavior of the optical pulse sequence in the near field region Phase modulation of the dispersive fiber. The propagation of these multi-bound solitons through single mode optical fibers is observed. Experimental and simulation results of bound solitons have been shown to follow similar trends. The propagation of these multi-bound solitons through single mode optical fibers is described. Their mutual interaction through such quadratic phase media shows the influence of the quadratic phase prop- erty on the differential phase of individual solitons of the bound group. Simulated results confirm the evolution of the bound solitons over dispersive single mode optical fibers.
Trong bộ sưu tập: BÀI ĐĂNG TẠP CHÍ




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