var $gContext=''; var $purcUrl = '/purchase/', $gCancelBtnText = "Cancel" ; var $g401ErrText = "You do not have the privilege to perform this action", $g400ErrText = "The request contain unacceptable parameter to the server", $g500ErrText = "The server encoutered an internal error with your request", $g501ErrText = "The request cannot be completed because it is not implemented", $gUnkErrText = "This is an unexpected error, please consider noticing our administrator about it immediately", $gError200Text = "Unable to retrieve localized message, please refresh this page and try again", $gError200Login = "Unable to get the expected results, possibly because your seesion has expired
Click Ok to login again, or Cancel to stay (not gonna help much). If you keep seeing this message, please contact the administrators" ;